Garbage is Disposed

How Garbage is Disposed of in Berlin?

The city of Berlin does not have a free service for bulky waste. If you need to dispose of a large piece of furniture, mattresses, or old appliances, you must pay BSR a fee. You will need to wait up to three weeks for the company to come and collect your bulky waste. You must then carry your bulky waste up the stairs and to the front door. The material that is disposed of is recycled or sent to a waste incineration plant. Metals are reused or re-processed for steel, and plastics are recycled into new plastic boxes, carpets, and fabrics.

Waste collection

If you live in Berlin, you should know how waste is disposed of in the city. Biological waste comprises almost half of the total garbage in Germany. Bio stuff includes kitchen waste, tea bags, coffee filters, and garden waste. It is collected in brown bins and recycled to produce energy and garden compost. The bins are emptied regularly, especially during the summer months.

As a city, Berlin has adopted several strategies to reduce waste and to improve recycling. Of these, the most important measures are related to the recycling of building materials. This type of waste is highly recyclable and has the same quality as the original material. In addition, the state of Berlin has started providing subsidies for building companies to use recycled building materials.

source: müllentsorgung berlin

Waste treatment

In Berlin, you have several options for disposing of garbage. There are separate bins for paper and plastic, organic and residual waste, and glass. You should also know that most households have different containers for different types of garbage. You can recycle certain materials, such as batteries, by returning them to the manufacturers.

Garbage is Disposed

Bulky waste is a type of trash that is too big to fit in a regular garbage bin. This includes things taken away during a move. It is not, however, included in the regular bin, such as floor coverings, doors, and wall coverings. However, you do need to dispose of car tires, scrap metal, and other materials.

Waste separation

When you visit Berlin, you will notice the incredibly innovative waste management practices of the city. For example, in 2013, the city expanded its packaging bin to include recyclable packing materials. Additionally, the city provides organic waste bins in addition to regular trash bins. These bins help the city reduce its overall waste stream by converting it to energy.

Biological waste makes up almost half of the city’s garbage, and includes everything from kitchen scraps to coffee filters and tea bags. There are also brown bins for this type of waste. These are emptied regularly throughout the summer months and are used to produce energy and garden compost.


The City of Berlin has adopted a variety of strategies to reduce waste. One of the most significant is recycling building materials, which comprise 60% of the city’s waste. Recycled building materials have the same quality as newly produced materials. Furthermore, the state has begun offering subsidies to companies that use recycled materials in their construction projects.

Most of the public trash bins in Berlin accept recyclables. Most of the boxes are for glass, but there are some for other items, such as clothes. There are also several Recycling Centers located throughout Berlin.

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