The best time to fly to Japan isn’t necessarily during the cheapest months or even in March. If you are looking for cheap tickets but also want to travel when there isn’t much traffic, then you will have to do a little research beforehand. Below you’ll find information about the best times to fly, as well as the most expensive month to fly.
The cheapest time to fly to Japan is during March. However, there are other months that can be cheaper, as well. These include early spring, late fall, and early spring. These are all good choices for travel in Japan, and can also save you money by avoiding the peak travel season.

When planning a trip to Japan, the best time to fly is during the spring and late autumn. This is when the country experiences a mild climate and little rainfall. It is also when the cherry blossoms start to bloom, making it a beautiful time to visit. You will also find plenty of colorful foliage, such as wisteria and nemophila, during these months.
Another way to save on airfare is to take a long-distance bus instead of flying. It will save you thousands of yen, and you can even ride the bus overnight. It will be about as expensive as one night in a hotel, but it will save you enough to see the sites in one day. If you’re not a fan of trains, you can always hitch a ride in a taxi or hail a cab to get to your destination. The Japanese also walk everywhere, which is a great way to save money on transportation.
When planning a vacation to Japan, the cheapest month to fly is during the fall. Usually, September and October are considered low season. This means that you can expect cheaper airfare and hotel rates. In addition, you can take advantage of the country’s great food and seasonal activities.
In the summer, you’ll want to avoid flying in mid-July, when prices are at their highest. Prices rise during peak travel season due to the high demand and lack of sales. In addition, the destinations can be packed with tourists.
The winter months are among the cheapest months to fly to Japan, when the country sees less visitors. This means that you’ll find a lot of deals on airfare, hotel rooms, and activities. It’s also a great time to visit Japan if you’re a foodie. You’ll find that the country’s cuisine changes with the seasons. For example, summertime treats include somen noodles, and fall is a time for matsutake mushrooms and sweet potatoes. During winter, you can find sea bream, sakura mochi rice cakes, and other seasonal delicacies.
Another good time to visit Japan is during the winter months, when the weather is pleasant and the temperatures are relatively low. In general, the first half of December is a quiet month for domestic travel, but during the winter school holidays, the country experiences a surge in activity. Another downside to visiting during winter is that the days are short and some tourist attractions close for the New Year holidays. Another benefit of visiting during the winter months is that the country’s ski season gets underway, so you can enjoy the snow and skiing.
Early spring
Flying to Japan is a fantastic way to spend a few weeks in a country that is a favorite of many tourists. However, the cheapest month to fly to Japan depends on your travel style and your budget. Luckily, there are a number of ways to get cheap airfare to Japan.
Early spring is a good time to visit Japan. Many of the cherry trees are in full bloom in southern Japan around this time. Northern areas are a bit later, but the flowers last from a few weeks to a few months. There is a great chance of seeing the blooms if you plan your trip during this time.

Early winter
If you’re planning a vacation to Japan, you’ll want to travel during early winter, when flights are most affordable. Prices rise significantly during the summer months, so early winter is the best time to book flights and stay in hotels. However, you should keep in mind that traveling during this time can cause traffic jams and high prices for hotels and attractions.
Early winter in Japan is cold and clear, with temperatures in the mid-twenties. It can also be rainy and snowy, though the snow rarely sticks to the ground. January is also a quieter time, with most businesses closed for the shogatsu holiday. While you can still visit the most popular shrines and temples during this time, you may want to consider a less-crowded month.
Cheapest Month to Fly to Japan Result
On average, March is the cheapest month to fly to Japan. However, Japan also has two other low season pricing periods. These are late fall and early spring, which can offer savings if you’re careful about when you decide to travel. Of course, there’s more to choosing the right month to fly than price, so keep these tips in mind as well—it could help you save a lot of money on your flights!